
    Congratulations to our TCO15 Champions!

    Check out all the great photos here.

    Competition Overview

    Whether you compete for the glory, for the job, or to meet other like minded folks, the prize money and trip to the event is not a bad gig either! TCO15 is giving out tons of prizes and trip to the onsite finals which we will be announcing soon!

    Any Topcoder member 18 years or older and who meet all the eligibility criteria can compete in the TCO and there are six different tracks of competition to try. How can you compete? Most all Topcoder competitions are eligible for TCO points. Check out what challenges are running now.

    View Competition Rules


    Regional Events

    Join us at one of our TCO15 Regional Events! These events include live challenges for attendees, networking opportunities, and Topcoder member and admin meet and greets. Plus free t-shirts, food, and prizes!

    St. Petersburg, Russia

    The 2015 Topcoder Open is visiting many countries around the world! Join us for our first stop in St. Petersburg, Russia on Sunday, May 31, 2015.

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    San Francisco, CA, USA

    The 2015 Topcoder Open is visiting many countries around the world! Join us for our USA event in San Francisco, CA on June 20, 2015. Sponsored by MemSQL.

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    Tokyo, Japan

    The 2015 Topcoder Open is visiting many countries around the world! Join us for our Japan event in Tokyo, Japan on July 18, 2015.

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    Jaipur, India

    The 2015 Topcoder Open is visiting many countries around the world! Join us for our India event at Manipal University on August 22, 2015.

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    Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    The 2015 Topcoder Open is visiting many countries around the world! Join us for our first-ever event in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

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    TCO Blog


    Topcoder Open Champions at Eleven Fifty

    Eleven Fifty Academy hosted Topcoder Open’s winners’ reception Tuesday, November 10. After battling through challenges against other…

    Read all TCO15 articles




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